12 Oktober 2009

week 27 : ends of 2nd trimester =)))

sekarang ni mak dh masuk ke week27 bersamaan dengan penghujung trimester kedue.. sgt gembire.. alhamdulillah.. =)))

so let's see ape yg jd on this end of 2nd trimester..

Week 27: Second trimester ends
This week marks the end of the second trimester. At 27 weeks, or 25 weeks after conception, your baby's lungs, liver and immune system are continuing to mature — and he or she has been growing like a weed. Your baby's crown-to-rump length may have tripled since the 12-week mark.

hmmm... walauponn bebudak & mak budak kat ofis ni ramai yg cakap perut mak kecik.. tp takpe.. sebab mak tau it is still ok.. the difference in the fundal height is not much..

apekah itu fundal height actually? okeh so pd kengkawan yg tak tau or tak pasti ape, bleh refer kat sini eh untuk maklumat lanjot..

macam mak nye fh yg last check mase usia hanan sayang 26weeks was 25cm.. so ok kan.. less 1 cm je from standard figure..

Smaller than expected fundal height
It's also common to have a fundal height that's a few centimeters smaller than expected. Like a larger than expected fundal height, this degree of variance can be caused by many harmless factors, such as:

A tall or slim frame
Well-conditioned abdominal muscles
A baby prematurely descending into the pelvis
If fundal height measures much smaller than expected throughout pregnancy or increases more slowly than expected, a health care provider may suspect:

Intrauterine growth restriction, a condition that slows a baby's growth
Too little amniotic fluid (oligohydramnios), which may indicate a problem with the baby or the pregnancy
A baby in a breech position
As with a larger than expected fundal height, an ultrasound or other tests are typically done to determine what's causing the unusual measurements.

haih! tak sabar nak tunggu week28.. mak ade appointment nak scan hanan.. abah pon dapat tgk mase tu sbb abah cuti 19hb ni.. =))) rindu nye nak tgk progress hanan sayang.. nanti mebi mase tu mak bleh tgk jantina kot.. hanan jgn kepit2 lagi ye sayang.. =)))

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