05 April 2010

blocked duct... sakitnyeee...

ih ih ih..

tak sangkee....

1bulan, 1post..

hmmmm... teruk beno dh tahap bizi mak ni.. cian hanan sayang..

nanti mak hapdet yer milestone hanan sayang.. kalau boleh mak nk hapdet kat umah.. boleh mak uplod gegamba hanan byk2... kat ofis ni mak x simpan copy...


mak nak copy paste artikel ni dulu ye hanan sayang...

What is a blocked duct?

A blocked milk duct is often confused with the early stages of an inflammation called mastitis (Inch and von Xylander 2000). You may develop a lump in your breast, with a red, tender patch on the skin. It is often called a blocked duct. In fact, the duct is not blocked, but the tissue around it has become swollen and presses on the duct.

True blocked ducts are more rare and tend to happen weeks or months into breastfeeding. Some mums notice a small white spot at the end of their nipple. This is a sign that the opening of the duct has become blocked by skin cells growing over it (Inch and von Xylander 2000).

These blocked ducts are easily treated. If you have one, you can usually remove it by piercing the end of it with a sterile needle or clean fingernail. Do this after your baby has fed, when the skin on your nipple is softer.
What causes blocked ducts?

Inflamed ducts are almost always caused by a back-up of milk in your breasts. This happens when your baby does not drain your breasts when he feeds.

If milk continues to be made faster than it is removed, it gets forced out of the duct and into the tissue of your breast. This causes swelling, turning the affected part of your breast red, hot and painful.

If traces of milk enter your bloodstream, you will feel like you have flu and have a temperature. This is a sign of mastitis.

The flu-like feeling is a sign that your body is treating the milk as a foreign protein and your immune system is fighting it (Inch and von Xylander 2000).

What can I do about it?

Make sure that your baby is properly latched on. Our step-by-step guide to breastfeeding shows you how this is done. Once your baby is feeding well, your milk will flow freely through your breasts. This will help to nip your symptoms in the bud before they develop into full-blown mastitis.

If you need further guidance, see a breastfeeding specialist. Your midwife, doctor or health visitor should be able to put you in touch with one. Or see our breastfeeding A-Z for where to go to get more help.

It's important to keep feeding your baby, even though it may hurt. It will actually help you get better more quickly. Feed as often as you can and make sure there aren't long gaps between feeds. You may even have to wake your baby for a feed sometimes.

If feeding hurts too much, use a breast pump to express your milk. An electric breast pump will be quicker than a hand pump. Use the pump as many times a day as your baby needs to feed. Pump each breast twice, for as long as your milk is flowing, and until the flow slows down.

There are other steps you can take to ease your symptoms:

Warm (or cold) flannels on your breasts, warm baths and gentle massage may help (Inch and von Xylander 2000).
Varying feeding positions may help your baby to latch on better.
Taking ibuprofen can ease the inflammation and pain.
If your symptoms don't improve, or if you do start to feel ill, see your doctor. You may have full-blown mastitis and you may need antibiotics to clear the infection. Read our article on mastitis for more information.

Will it affect my baby?

Sometimes the milk flow in your affected breast will be slower than usual. This may mean that your baby is a bit unsettled when feeding on that breast. Apart from that, it shouldn't affect your baby at all.


Inch S and von Xylander S. 2000. Mastitis: causes and management. Geneva: World Health Organisation.www.whqlibdoc.who.int [Accessed September 2009]

Last reviewed: October 2009

source : sini haa

mak alami masalah ni jumaat lepas yg membuatkan badan mak kepanasan hingga tahap mencecah 39degree celcius dan menggigil2 mlm sebelum tu.. mmg mak ase dada kanan mak sgt sgt sgt sakit ms tu.. sbb tu mase tu mak hanye mampu dukung hanan dgn kepale hanan pd dada kiri mak.. lepas tu mcm ade bende keras kt dalamnye.. mak ingatkan mak kene Ca.. na'uzubillah!!

hmmm lepas mak cube urut2.. apply botol dgn hot water inside.. baru la mak ase lege.. lege sgt sgt!! susu hanan pun byk klua lepas tu ikot dada kanan ni.. kalo tak mak tgk sikittttt sgtt.... isau mak....

sekarang mak dh ok.. Alhamdulillah... semoga Allah permudahkan urusan mak utk mengumpul susu untuk hanan sayang...

amiinnnnnn......................... =')))

2 ulasan:

  1. masitis..i sampai kena refer ke pakar ingatkan penyakit bahaya tu. rupanya masitis..

  2. ye la kan.. mmg seriau lagi2 sbb ni first tyme kene.. mmg igt nk jumpe pakar dh tp bile search kat tenet dan cube cara nk cure kan die tu, things ok dh.. =)
